Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Genet

The Genet.

In talk too of, and of said Safari Cat Blog that is, of Safari Cat, of Genets, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Image in the Eye too that is, of Images, the Imageful, of said Art, Art Pieces too that is, of Pieces of Art, African, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said self-image too that is: of thoughts, beliefs, ideas etc., of problems, issues, or matters too, or if not of the said self, body, and being too that is.

In referring to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Perception too that is, of perception, of self-perception, or if not in talk too of, and of the said self-image too that is, now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Documentation too that is, of identity, the soul, of self-perception, or if not of the said Record, or Reference too, of Identity, the Soul, of perception,  or if not in talk too of, nowly, herely, and of what can be as said of, and of said Research too that is, of Research, of Research Papers, of Perception, or if not in talk too of, nowly, again, the Image in the Eye, and of what can be as said of, and of said Poetism too that is, of Prose, of Paper.

Of said self-perception that is, of self-guidance, the self-image, or if not in talk too of, the attempt, the try, of thinking, and of the said corresponding too that is, or if not in a said too, referral to, in regard, and to the said psyche too that is, of perception, the self-guiding, the Self-Image, of Interest, of Aim, the Picturing, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Psyche too that is, of Perception, the self-guided, of Inputs, of Enquiry, of the said Greater, or Grander Picture, of Outlooks, or if not in talk too of, and of said Imaginings too that is, of Imagination, of Inquiry. 

Of said Poetism too that is, of the Psyche, the self-guided, or if not in talk too of, and of the said African Artefact, Piece, of Artifacts, the psyche, the self-guiding, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to the said following too: of Augury, Divination, of Oracles, of said Programming too, of Mathematics. Of the said African Carving too that is, of Artifacts, the psyche, the self-guiding, and of a said East Africa too that is, of Kenya, and as said as Diminishing in all, and in it said Expectations too that is, of history, of Colonialism, of life, of security, and after talk too of, and of the said Colonial Period too that is, of Colonialism, African, and if not in a said referral to, in regard, of Stability, of Safety, and to what can be as said of, and of the said On-looker too that is, the 60-70's, of the said Spectator too, the 80's-90's, or if not of the said Viewer too that is, of Kenya today, the 2000's. Of the said African Item too that is, of Artifacts, the psyche, the self-guiding, or if not in talk too of, and of said identity, the soul, of Identity, the Soul, and in said East Africa, or Kenya too, and as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Arrangement too that is, of Arrangement(s), of Mipango, of Mpango, Kisw., or if not in a said too that is, referral to, in regard, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Salutationary too that is, of Salutations, of Greetings.

Of said Poetism too that is, of the Psyche, the self-guided, or if not in talk too, and of said Perception too, of perception, of self-perception, or if not of said Self-Perception too that is, of Writings, African, or if not in talk too of, of self-perception, of self-guidance, the self-image, and of a said Transversal too that is, of Transversals, of self-consciousness, the self-conscious, of the said Civet too, of Genets, of Safari Cat, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Instrumental too, of Instruments, of the said Musical Instrument too, of Musical Instruments, of Musical Performance, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Centre too that is, of Centres, the Middling, of said Centers too, of Centerings, the Center.

Of Classics

Of African Classics. Charlie Chaplin ------- The Kid. [ Link ] In a said referral to, of Safari Cat, and to the said, even, Lengthy, entries...