Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Of Classics

Of African Classics.

Charlie Chaplin ------- The Kid.

In a said referral to, of Safari Cat, and to the said, even, Lengthy, entries, and on this said Blog too, of Safari Cat Blog, is to now and in all, even, perceive, talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Break too for instance, of Breaks, of Stops, of Pauses, of Forwardings, of Reversals etc., or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, of Writings, and of the said Victorian too that is, of Victorians, of Colonialism, the Colonial, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Idea too that is, or Notion, of Notions, of Ideas, and of the said Classic too that is, of Classics, or if not as said, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Route too for instance, of Routes, of Roads, of Paths, of Ways, of Pathways, of Tracks etc., or if not in a said referral to, of Obi, Yor., Ifa, [Link], of Contemplation, of Ori, Yor. Ifa., [Link], of Reflection, of said Odu too, of Odu, Yor. Ifa, [Link], of Meditation, of Odu Ifa, the 1001 Arabian Nights, and to what can be as said of, and of said Memory too that is, of Memory, of Memories, the Memorific, the Memorable, or if not of the said Memory ladden too that is, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Definitive too that is, of Classics, the Classic.

Of the said Definitive too that is, of Classics, the Classic, or if not of the said Authoritative too, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of the said African Classic too that is, of Classics, of Africa, of Indaba My Children, of the said Indian, or South Asian Classic too, of Classics, of India, of South Asia, the Ramayana, the Barbunama, or if not of the said American Classic too that is, of Classics, of North America, of Moby Dick, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to the said Arab Classic too that is, of Classics, of Arabia, the Arab World, the Shahnameh. 

In all, talk too now and of, and of the said Classic too, of Classics, and of said Safari Cat Blog too that is, of Safari Cat, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Safari Cat Way too that is, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Way, the Safari Cat Element, [Link].

Of said Safari Cat that is, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Worldview, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, of Reality, the Realistic, and to what can be as said of, of Odu, of Classics, and of a said Fold too that is, of Folds, the Fold, the 2-Fold, the Physical, the Abstract, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Physical too that is, of Effort, of Physicality, the Attempt, the Try, or if not of the said Abstract too that is, of Abstraction, of What is, the Abstractive, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Edit too that is, of Edits of Editings, the Edit, of Modification, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Projective too that is, of Projection, of Magnification, the Physical, of Instincts, or if not of the said Intuitive too that is, of Intuition, of Feelings, the Abstract, of Impressions, or if not in a said regard to, in referral, of Instinct, and to what can be as said of, and of said Nature too, of Reality, or if not of its said Nature too that is, of Reality, of Nature, the Naturalistic, the Natural.


In the said, now, or nowly, claiming, or saying that, when I did and in all, even, begin, or intend, and to and in all, even, write in, talk, and of what can be as said of, and of said Safari Cat Blog too, I did and in all, even, intend for, and for it all, and to be as said, as a Blog, and with its said Contents, as in all, as said as, featuring, Content, that would and in all, even, mirror, my in all, been said as on a said Safari too that is, and if not as said as across Kenya in itself too that is, and if not and as in all, said as, in search, and of said Adventure too for instance, and if not as said as Into Africa too, but that in all and again, that did and in all, even, change, and on my said realizing that, it would and in all, even, had to have been, perceived, as simply, or merely, said, and if not in talk too of, nowly, and of the said Noteworthy in itself too that is.

Idea and in all, as said as discarded, and if not as said as hidden, or shelved, and into my said Unconscious too that is, of Unconscious States, I have in all, even, decided, to somewhat, resurrect, the said, original premise, and in my in all, announcing even, a said New Blog too, soon to come, the distant future, and that will and in all, even, indulge in, or engage, the originally said sentiment, premise, and which does and in all, even, find me, pondering, and on what could be and in all, be as said, as, to and in all, even, lie ahead, and if not as said, perceived as such, and if not in a said referral to, and to the said even Reflective in itself too for instance.

However, and in my now, saying, or claiming that, I would be as said as, ready, and to and in all, even, present it here, and in its said thoughts, or accolades too, and to the said general reader too that is, and in the said blogging context, is to now ask of, and of what could be as said of, and of said Media in itself too that is, and with my said even discerning of it all, perceiving of it, and if not in talk too of, and of what could be as said of, and of a said Loop in itself too that is. 

Of the said Loop too that is, of Loops, of Loopings, the Loop, the Accountable, of said Media too, of Media, Modern, Traditional, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Current too, of Currents, of Safari Cat Blog, the Educative, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Underlying too that is, of Underlying Currents, of Under-Currents, the New Blog, the Informative, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Infusive too that is, of Currents, of Under-Currents, of Safari Cat Media, of Infusion, the Accounting, and if not in the said attempt, and to and in all, even, define, of Safari Cat Media, talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Media too that is, of Media, African, National, and that would and in all, even, simply, be as said, and as the said Notable in itself too that is, is and in all, even, simply, or merely, said to be that is.

Of such a said Media too, of Media, the Notable, and with my now saying it all, perceived, referenced, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Super-Loop too that is, of Loops, of Media, of Infusion, and if not in my said perceiving of, and of the said New Blog too that is, and if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Everyday too, of On-goings, of Happenings, [Link], or if not of the said Daily too, or of said Occurrences too that is, and if not in my said referring to, and to life, or talk of it, or of its said discontents too that is, and as said, nowly, perceived, and if not in its said Dormant, Inert, or Restless States too that is.

New Blog: Status - Inactive.

Of Safari Cat Media.
No Doubt - Gwen Stefani/ Blake Shelton - It's My Life.


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Of Codes

Of African Codes.

In talk too of, of Safari Cat, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Code too that is, of Codes, of Codings, African, Human, is to now refer to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Reality too that is, of Reality, the Real, the Not Real, or if not of the said World too that is, of Worlds, of Spheroids, the World, the Worldly. Of the said World too that is, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Response too that is, of Responses, of Adjudgment, of Asizement, or if not in talk too of, of Perception, of Perceptibility, and of what can be as said of, and of said life too that is. Of said Reality too, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Dimension too that is, of Dimensions, of Dimensionality, or if not of the said Context too that is, of Contexts, of Contextuality, or if not in a said referral to, of Codes, of Language, of Genes, of Linguistics, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Evolutional too that is, of Evolution, the Evolutionary. 

In all, talk too of, and of said life too that is, or if not of the said Evolutional too that is, and as in all said perceived too that is, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Pose too that is, of Poses, African, Human.

Of such said Poses too, of Safari Cat, of Safari Cat Blog, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Human existence too that is, of Existence, African, Human, or if not in a said referral to, and to the said previous 6 entries too that is, and in this said Blog, and on said Settings, Truth, Currents, Awakenings, Artefacts, or Film, or if not as said Centred too that is, of Centrings, the Centre, and on the said Artefacts posting too that is, entry, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, nowly, of Poses, African, Human, and to what can be as said of, and of said Poetism too that is, of Doubt, the Psyche, or if not of the said African Arts too that is, of Arts Media, the African Arts, [Link].

Of such said Poses too, of Safari Cat, of Safari Cat Media, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Threshold too that is, of Thresholds, of Barriers, Physical, Psychic, Psychological, of Limits, of Origins, of Sources, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, in Question, and of the said names of Egypt, of Mesopotamia, or if not of said Sumeria too, and in said History too that is, of Mythology, or if not of said Myth too that is, of Myths, of Mythology, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, the World, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Representative too that is, of Representation, or if not of the said Realizable too that is, of Realization, the Realizing.

Of such said Poses too, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Element, the Safari Cat Mystery, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Outline too that is, of Outlines, the Outlining, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Form too that is, of Forms, Inter-Meshing, Meshing, or if not in talk too of, the World, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Measure too that is, of Measures, of Admeasures, of Displacements, of Bands, of Frequency, of Gaps, of Spacings, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Coding too that is, of Codes, of Codings, Physical, Material, or if not as said as Textural too that is, of Textures, of Colours.

Of such said Poses too, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Element, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, of Evolution, African, Human, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Skeleton too that is, of Skeletons, African, Human, of Bones, of Skeletons, of Skulls, or if not in a said referral to, of Africa, in perception, and of the said History too that is, and of said Egypt, or if not of said Mexico too that is, or if not in a said referral to, of Colours, of Textures, of Evolution, of Diversity, the Evolutional, and to what can be as said of, of Reality, the Unfolding, and of said Civilization too that is, of Civilizations, of China, of Egypt, of India, of Persia, or if not in talk too of, of Complications, the World, and of what can be as said of, and of said Obi too that is, of Obi, Yor., Ifa., [Link], of Materiality, or if not of said Odu too, of Odu, Yor., Ifa, [Link], of Odu Ifa, of life, or if not of said Ori too that is, of Ori, Yor., Ifa., [Link], of spirit, of Possessed States, [Link].

Of such said Poses too, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Worldview, [Link], or if not in talk too of, of Realms, in Question, and to what can be as said of, of Reality, and of the said Physical, Material, or Textural too, of Memory, of Colours, the Evolutional, of Representation, the Representative, of Realization, the Realizable, or if not in talk too of, the World, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Limit too that is, of Limits, of Limitations, of Presences. In all, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, the World, and of what can be as said of, and of said Obi too, of Obi, Yor., Ifa., of said Odu too, of Odu, Yor., Ifa, or if not of said Ori too, of Ori, Yor., Ifa, or if not in a said referral to, of Markings, of Numbers, of Names, of Odu, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Mark too that is, of Marks, of Resonance, of Revelations, of Resonations. Of the said Mark too, of Reality, the World, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Response too that is, of Response, of Perception, of Reality, or if not of said Vibrance too that is, of Vibrance, of Vibrations, the World, the Vibratory.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Of Settings

Of African Settings.

Remmy Ongala - Narudi Nyumbani.

Of Motion, -->, Of Rotations, of Linearity.
Of Reality, -->, Of Space-Time, of Time, of Space, the Cartesian.

Of Settings, -->, Of Sets-Resets-Desets, the Counting.
                    -->, Of Time, of Balance, Stasis, Equilibrium.

Of Resonation, -->, Of Reality, the Reality in-between, in betwixt.
                         -->, Of Resonance, of Truth, of Fact, the Greater Truth.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Of Truth

Of African Truths.

In the said referring to, and to what can be as said of,  and of said Truth too that is, of Truths, now is to and in all, even, call upon, what could and in all, or can, be as said of, and of said Belief too that is, of Beliefs, of said Contact too that is, or if not of said Memory too that is, of Memories. Of said Belief too that is, of Beliefs, of Truth, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Trust too that is, of Truth, or if not in their said Contexts too that is, of Truth, or/& Trust, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of what can be as said of, and of said Ori too that is, of Ori, Yor., Ifa, [Link]. Of said Contact too that is, of Contact, of Truth, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Conscience too that is, of Conscientiousness, of the said Messenger too that is, of Tricksters, or if not of the said Gods too that is, of Elegbara, Yor., Ifa, [Link], or if not in talk too of, nowly and of what can be as said of, and of said Obi too that is, of Obi, Yor., Ifa, [Link]. Of said Memory too that is, of Memories, of Truth, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Exertion too that is, of Effort, of Endeavour, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Issues, Matters, States, or Conditions, of Affairs, Human, African, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, or in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Odu too that is, of Odu, Yor., Ifa, [Link]. In all, talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Awareness too that is, of Truth, of Belief, of Contact, of Memory, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said self-conscious too that is, of self-consciousness, of self-imaging, the self-image, or if not in a said referral to, in regard, and to talk too of, and of the said Bhagavad Gita too for instance, of India, the Mahabharata, of Truths, of Beliefs, of Memories, or if not of the said God-Head too that is, of Krsna.

In the now, claiming, or saying that, that this said entry, and on said Truth too that is, of Truth, of African Truths, can too be as said, as simply, or merely, perceived, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Idealized too that is, of Ideals, and in its said Basis, or Groundings too that is, now is to and in all, even, perceive it all, or if not in talk too of, and of said Truth in itself, of Truth, of Concepts, and along the said lines too that is, of Simplification, of Simplicity, and of what can be as said of, and of said Time too that is, of Time, of Concepts, of Time in itself, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Truthful too that is, of Truth, of Truthfulness. 

Of Truth, or if not in the said Study too that is, and of said Civilizations too that is, of the Study of Civilizations, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Origins too that is, of Arisings, and of said Rule, or Rulership too, Ancient, Pre-Historic, and in said History too, Religious, Political, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Gods, of Goddesses, of Temples, of Schools, of Institution, or if not in a said referral to, in Question, and to talk too of, and of the said names of Egypt, of Mesopotamia, or if not of said Sumeria too that is, of Ishtar, or if not in a said regard to, in Question, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Actual too that is, of Truth, of Preciseness, of Exactness, or if not of the said Simplified too that is, of Simplification, of Simplicity, and as in all too that is, as said as to in all, even, denote, talk too of, and of the said Everything too for instance.

In the said equating of, and of what can be as said of, and of said Truth too that is, of Truths, and to what can be as said of, and of said Death too that is, now is to and in all, even, speak of, and of the said Marking too that is, of Markings, of Truth, or if not of the said Mark too that is, of Marks, of Death. Of Truth, of Death, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Observable too that is, of Observation, of Egypt, & the Near East, in History, or if not of the said Reconcilable too that is, of Reconciliation, of Egypt, of Greece, the Mediterranean, the Shores of America, in History, or if not in a said referral to, in regard to, and to talk too of, and of said Death too that is, and as in all said as Portrayed, or as said as Parlayed too that is, and if not in talk too of, and of the said Concerting too that is, of Concertation, of Stills, Film, or if not of said Media too, of Media, the Media Universe, [Link], or if not in talk too of, of Truth, of Reality, or of Truth, of Fact, or Fiction, and of what can be as said of, and of said Touch too that is, of Touch, of Affliction, of Affection, or if not in a said referral to, in regard to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Mark too that is, of Marks, of Symbols, [Link], of life.

In talk too of, and of said Safari Cat too that is, of Safari Cat Blog, and on a/the said Pyramid Quest too that is, [Link], of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Mystery, [Link], or if not in a said referral to, and to the said Truth too that is, of Truths, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Element, [Link], now is to and in all, even, refer to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Passage too that is, of Passages, of Intermittency, the Intermittent, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Death too that is, of Death, of Truth, of Targets, of Goals, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Void too that is, of Voids, of Fills. Of Voids, of Fills, or if not of the said Empty too, of Fillings, of Semblance, or if not in a said referral to, of Safari Cat, the Safari Cat Worldview, [Link], and to what can be as said of, and of a said Lining too that is, of Linings, of Tracings, of Etchings, or if not of the said Fill too that is, of Fillings, of Totality, of Total Sense, the Total self, [Link].

Of the said Fill too that is, of Fillings, or if not in talk too of, and of the said 1001 Arabian Nights too, or of the said Sands of Time, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Attentive too that is, of Attention, of Truth, of Looks, or if not in talk too of, of Equals, of Parallels, of Matchings, <-->, of Attention, and of what can be as said of, and of the said World today too that is, of Africa today, in Development, Status, State, Modern, Western, Contemporary, or if not in a said referral to, of History, and to the said Geometric too that is, of Geometry, Sacred, of Civilization, of Egypt, Greece, the Biblical etc., or if not in talk too of, and of a said World today, and in its said Development too, of Development, of Tech, of Materiality, as best as said too that is, perceived, referenced, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Polarized too that is, of Polarities, or if not of the said Cohesive too that is, of Cohesion, of Harmony, of Solidarity. In all, all this is too said, and in the said, attempt, and to and in all, even, redefine, or reclaim, talk too of, and of the said past too that is, of Africa, the African past, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Colonial too that is, of Colonialism, African, and which did and in all, even, or would be as said, and to and in all, even, define itself, and in talk too of, of Reality, the Colonial Reality, and of what can be as of, and of said Taste too that is, of Taste, African, Colonial, the Colonialist, or if not of the said Simmering too that is, in Taste, Victorian, African, Colonial, National, or if not in a said referral to, of Attention, <-->, of Impartiality, of Judgement, of Decision, <-->, of Listening, and of said Africa too that is, Pre-Slavery, Pre-Colonial, best as said too that is, perceived, referenced, in Taste, and along the said lines too that is, and of what could be as said of, or can, and of said Italy too that is, of Italy, in History, of Egypt, or if not of the said Dutch world too that is, of Europe, of Western Europe, the Netherlands.

Of said Truth too that is, of Truths, or if not in talk too of, of truth, of beliefs, and of what can be as said of, and of said spirit too, of spirit, of Reality, of Truth, of Sortings, the Sorting, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Context too that is, of Contexts, African, of gods, of goddesses, of Orisa, Yor., Ifa, or if not of the said Landing too that is, [Link], the Landing Context, [Link], of East Africa, Kenya, of Kenya, East Africa, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Contact too that is, of Contact, of Consideration, of Consistency, or if not in talk too of, nowly, appropriately, and of said Egypt too that is, of Egypt, in Name, of KMT, and as in all said as perceived too that is, referenced, and as in all said as of African Civilization too that is, of Kerma, of Khemet.

Of said Truth too that is, of Truths, or if not in talk too of, of truth, of lies, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Constant too that is, of Constance, of Actuality, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, and of what can be as said of, and of said Motion too that is, of Motion, of Movement of Activity, or if not in a said referral to, of Time, and to what can be as said of, and of said Resonance too that is, of Resonance, of Flux, of Resonations, or if not in talk too of, of Reality, of Time, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Portal too that is, of Portals, of Channels, of Adjuncts, or if not in a said regard to, in referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Psyche too that is, of Psyches, the Psychic, of Archetypes, of Myths, & if not of said Legends too that is.

Of said Truth too that is, of Truths, or if not in talk too of, of truth, of ideas, and of the said Ascertained too that is, of Ascertainty, of Singularity, of Clarity, or if not in a said referral to, in regard to, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Ray too that is, of Rays, of Rays of light, or if not in talk too of, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Ideal too that is, of Ideals, origins, rise, of Obi, of Ori, of Odu, of Orunmila, Yor., Ifa, or if not in a said referral to, of Linkings, of Couplings, of Civilization, of China, of Egypt, of India, of Persia, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Ascertained Truth too that is, of Truth, of Falsities, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of what can be as said of, and of a said Tilting too that is, of Tiltings, of Rays, of Revolutions, of Rotations, of/the Axial, the Sun, the Earth.

Of said Truth too that is, of Truths, or if not in talk too of, of truth, the forward, the direct, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Utmost too that is, of Utmost Truth, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Linear too that is, of Linearity, of Voids, of Spaces, of said Truth too, of Truth, or if not of said Actuality too that is, of Actuality, of Actualness. Of the said Linear too that is, of Linearity, of life, of Breathe, of Signs of life, or if not in talk too of, and of said Truth too that is, of Truth, of Reality, Basis of Reality, of light, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Actuality too that is, of Actuality, of Proof, Proof of Existence, of sound. 

In all, all this is too said, of Truth, Utmost, of Utmost Truth, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Deductive too that is, of Deduction, of the said Inductive too that is, of Induction, or if not of the said Abductive too that is, of Abduction. Of Deduction, the Deductive, or if not in talk too of, and of said Breathe too, of Breathe, <-->, of light, <-->, of sound, or if not in a said referral to, in regard to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Induction too that is, of Induction, the Inductive, of Matter, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of what can be as said of, and of said Abduction too that is, of Abduction, the Abductive, of Presence. 

Of Truth, Utmost, or if not of the said Tri-Une Brain too that is, of Reptiles, the Reptilian Brain, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Evolution too that is, of Evolution, of Truth, Major, Pertinent, or as in all, said as Equated to, of Equivalency, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Conscious too, or if not in a said Arrival to, nowly, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Body too that is, of Bodies, Human, African, the self, African, of Origins, of life, the Evolutional, or if not in talk too of, nowly, and of what can be as said of, and of said Contact too that is, of Contact, of Mortality, in Question, of Safari Cat, of Safari Cat Media, [Link], [Link], or if not in a said regard to, in referral to, nowly, and to what can be as said of, and of said Consciousness too that is, of Consciousness, of Evidence, or if not of said Memory too that is, Evolutionary, of Evolutionary Memory, of Conscious States, or if not in talk too of, singularily, nowly, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Singling too that is, of Singlings, of Singles, of Singularities.

Of Truth, Utmost, or if not in a said referral to, and to what can be as said of, and of said Reality too, of Realities, and as in all said as to Merge with, Intergrate with, and with talk too of, and of all other said Realities too that is, of Reality, of Realism, or if not in a said referral to, of Perception, of views, beliefs, ideas, thoughts etc., and of what can be as said of, and of the said Single too that is, of Singles, the Singling, the Singled. Of Perception, or if not of said Perceptibility too, of Day, or Night, of said Truth too, or Fact, or if not in a said Arrival to, of Arrivals, and to what can be as said of, and of a said Delayment too that is, of Delayment, of Time, of Reality, of Truth, or if not in talk too of, in Perception, and of what can be as said of, and of the said Everlasting, the Eternal, the Encompassing, the Everything etc., or if not in a said regard to, nowly, singularily, and to what can be as said of, and of the said Partial too that is, of Partiality, of Parity, or if not in a said referral to, in Example, and to talk too of, Popular, Scientific etc., and of said Theories of Everything too that is, of the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, of T-O-E, of C-T-E, [Link], etc. too that is.

Of Classics

Of African Classics. Charlie Chaplin ------- The Kid. [ Link ] In a said referral to, of Safari Cat, and to the said, even, Lengthy, entries...